Fashion Illustrations
Fashion Illustrations
Black and white fashion illustrations from Godey's Ladies' Book, Peterson's Magazine and Harper's Weekly. Dates range from 1857 to 1900.
Collection Items
Walking Ensembles, 1883
Two walking ensembles for women from a winter 1883 Peterson's Magazine. Images include hats, wraps and dresses.
Dinner dresses, 1883
Peterson's Magazine, winter 1883. Black and white illustration of two dinner dresses.
Walking Dress, circa 1889
Two views, front and back, of a circa 1889 walking ensemble including bustled skirt, basque bodice and hat.
Lady's Fashion and Accessories, circa 1889
Fashion page from 1880s edition of Peterson's Magazine. Illustrations include: afternoon gown, boudoir/lingerie jacket, morning cap, brooch in the shape of a spider
House Dress and Two Collars, 1870
Black and white illustration from Peterson's Magazine of a house dress with two views of collars.
Visiting Dress plus Collar and Sleeve
Black and white illustration of a visiting dress, appropriate for making calls. Also includes one collar design and one sleeve style.
Bonnet, Hat and Two Children's Frocks
Black and white illustration from Peterson's Magazine of a bonnet, a hat and two children's dresses.
Ladies' Chatelain Watch
Illustration of an ornate chatelain watch or brooch watch from Peterson's Magazine. Digitally enhanced for better printing.