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Fashion plate from the book, Fancy Dresses Described by Ardern Holt, 1887. This book gives advice on what to wear to fancy dress balls or masquerade balls and includes many illustrations.

Fashion plate from the book, Fancy Dresses Described by Ardern Holt, 1887. This book gives advice on what to wear to fancy dress balls or masquerade balls and includes many illustrations.

The "Incroyable" was a costume to represent the French…

Fashion plate from the book, Fancy Dresses Described by Ardern Holt, 1887. This book gives advice on what to wear to fancy dress balls or masquerade balls and includes many illustrations.

Fashion plate from the book, Fancy Dresses Described by Ardern Holt, 1887. This book gives advice on what to wear to fancy dress balls or masquerade balls and includes many illustrations.

Juliet, from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

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Short Story from an 1864 issue of Peterson's Magazine.

Title: The Choir of Our Village
Author: Ella Rodman

Includes two poems on the last page

Images of the Cornwell's dresscutting pattern system pieces including the sleeve supplement. This system is the 1888 update of the original 1873 system.

Pattern diagram, instructions and illustration for a Home Wrapper designed by Emily H. May from the 1865 Peterson's Magazine

Three chemise styles (1857 & 1859), two night robe styles (1857), two styles of drawers (1859) and one 'nonpareil' garment (1858) from the Godey's Ladies Book.

Sheet Music by M. Hobson printed in the August 1870 Peterson's Magazine.

Early physical education guide for women.
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