Browse Items (24 total)

Mary Stuart hood and pattern diagram with instructions for sewing.

Fashion page from 1880s edition of Peterson's Magazine. Illustrations include: afternoon gown, boudoir/lingerie jacket, morning cap, brooch in the shape of a spider

Illustration of an ornate chatelain watch or brooch watch from Peterson's Magazine. Digitally enhanced for better printing.

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Illustration and description of an expandable and retractable set of hoops from 1859 Godey's Ladies' Book

Illustration and directions for making a gentleman's travel toiletries kit.

Peterson's Magazine, winter 1883. Black and white illustration of two dinner dresses.

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Image, description and pattern diagram for a day dress from the January 1857 issue of Godey's Ladies' Book

Instruction booklet for the Cornwell's Pattern Drafting System with diagrams.

Images of the Cornwell's dresscutting pattern system pieces including the sleeve supplement. This system is the 1888 update of the original 1873 system.

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Illustration and instructions for making a corner hanging shelf decorated with tree cones.
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